
Hi! I'm Olly.

Every Sunday, I send out a short email with new habits to be more productive, focused, and energized. Join others in the PEAK community and get that email delivered straight to your inbox every Sunday morning for free.

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Issue # 37 - 21 Day Sprint to Get on Track with Consistency

PEAK'S HABIT BUILDING NEWSLETTER Happy Sunday! This week's newsletter is for you if you have already created some beneficial and healthy habits but you want to implement them with more consistency. I'll be giving you a 21-day consistency-building sprint that you can copy and paste straight from this newsletter into your schedule to help you get back on track. If you're here for this week's habit, scroll down and you'll find a habit that will help you increase your productivity. 21-DAY...

about 1 year ago • 5 min read

PEAK'S HABIT BUILDING NEWSLETTER Tips + Tools: WORK-LIFE BALANCE Happy Sunday! Welcome to this week's newsletter. In this fast-paced world, juggling our professional and personal lives can be a real challenge. Many of us end up working long hours, feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and eventually burning out. This week we're talking about work-life balance and how you can achieve it. I've put together 5 tips to help you prioritize this balance in your life. Let's get started. The Ultimate...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read

PEAK'S HABIT BUILDING NEWSLETTER Efficiency Habit: Reclaim 10+ Hours This Week Happy Sunday! When I sit down to write these newsletters, I think about the habits and routines that have changed my life lately. This week I read that one of the best ways to save time is to automate your simple and repetitive tasks. So I asked myself where a lot of my time is going each day and each week. The answer was Cleaning my kitchen (mainly doing dishes) Doing laundry (managing the piles of clean laundry...

about 1 year ago • 6 min read

PEAK'S HABIT BUILDING NEWSLETTER Mornings Routines: Creating a Morning Ritual that Sets You Up for a Great Day Happy Sunday! I hope this newsletter finds you well and ready for a productive week ahead! This morning, I'll be showing you how to create a morning routine that sets you up for the day, helping you feel motivated, energized, and clear. Let's get started. 1. Wake up at the same time every day: Having a consistent wake-up time can help regulate your body's internal clock and improve...

about 1 year ago • 2 min read

PEAK'S HABIT BUILDING NEWSLETTER Tips + Tools 2023 Goals: Getting Back on Track Happy Sunday! It's hard to believe, but next Saturday, April 1st, will mark 90 days since New Year's Day. It is also the end of the first quarter of the year. Where are you with those 2023 goals today? Remember the excitement and momentum you had with your goals in January? This newsletter is designed to kick-start that momentum you had and ensure you're on track to successfully achieving them. Let's get started....

about 1 year ago • 2 min read

PEAK'S HABIT BUILDING NEWSLETTER Tips + Tools: Working from a Coffee Shop Happy Sunday! Last week I put out a poll, asking people if they felt they worked efficiently from coffee shops. The majority of people said no. This week I want to give you 5 tips and tools to help you get your best work done from your local coffee shop. Let's get started. 1. Bring the Right Gear: Have a gear list on your phone to remember what to bring with you. My list has: Laptop Phone Chargers Water-bottle...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read

PEAK'S HABIT BUILDING NEWSLETTER Routine of the Week: The AM30:PM30 Rule Happy Sunday! This week we're going to be talking about the AM30:PM30 rule. Which is almost the simplest routine I've ever suggested. As simple as it is, it is incredibly effective in the way it boosts both energy in the morning and sleep quality at night. Want to feel like you have more free time? Keep reading. Have you ever woken up to your alarm, rolled over, and grabbed your phone to switch it off, before opening the...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read

PEAK'S HABIT BUILDING NEWSLETTER What to Drink Before Coffee Happy Sunday! This week we're going to be talking all about the importance of hydrating. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, resulting in diminished energy and focus. This is why I want to share with you the morning drink I use, that is: Easy-to-make High in minerals High in electrolytes This week I want to challenge you to make this morning drink (or simply drink water from the tap) as soon as you wake up. Here's Why: If...

over 1 year ago • 4 min read

PEAK'S HABIT BUILDING NEWSLETTER Habit Hack: Mastering Consistency Happy Sunday! This week we're going to be talking all about consistency and how mastering it can be the difference between achieving your goals and not. Put simply, if you were to say "Hey Olly! What's one thing I can do that will help me achieve (enter huge daunting goal here)?"... I would say complete 1-2 actions every single day that will move you closer to achieving that goal. Get really consistent with those 1-2 things...

over 1 year ago • 4 min read

Happy Sunday! This morning I want to share a little bit of a longer morning routine that works well for those mornings when you have a little bit more time. For me, that's Sunday morning. If you're feeling off with your goals, or off with your habits, this is a great, simple step-by-step way to get back into things. Sunday is a time when I want to make a cup of coffee, relax and ease into my day without rushing. I also want to get back on track with my habits and realign with my goals if...

over 1 year ago • 3 min read
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