
Hi! I'm Olly.

Issue # 37 - 21 Day Sprint to Get on Track with Consistency

Published about 1 year ago • 5 min read

Happy Sunday! 

This week's newsletter is for you if you have already created some beneficial and healthy habits but you want to implement them with more consistency.

I'll be giving you a 21-day consistency-building sprint that you can copy and paste straight from this newsletter into your schedule to help you get back on track.

If you're here for this week's habit, scroll down and you'll find a habit that will help you increase your productivity.


Over the last week, I was super inconsistent when it came to my social media. Social media is how I communicate with current and prospective clients, so it's a pretty important daily habit for my business. But I felt stalled and my motivation to get the task done was dwindling.

This is when my friend Ashley Richmond recommended a 21-Day Consistency Sprint to jump-start my stalled motivation and help me get moving again.

What's great here is that the sprint is applicable to any habit where you have fallen off track. I fell off track with my business, you may have fallen off track with going to the gym, doing your morning routine, or even your confidence. Whatever it is, this sprint is applicable and will help.

Getting started: I want you to see your stalled consistency and motivation as a big round boulder that needs moving. What you need to get it moving is a big push at the start to get things rolling. Once there's momentum with your boulder, it's much easier to keep it rolling. Step one is about kickstarting things and making the big push to get your consistency rolling with ease.

Step 1: Wake Up 1 Hour Earlier

This habit really gets the boulder rolling. It's the big push. For the 1st three days, it'll be unbelievably difficult. But then as your body gets used to it, it will become easier. Your boulder will be rolling.

It'll also give you 60 extra minutes to do what you need to do to get you closer to your goal.

If you want to consistently do yoga every day, this is your time to do it.

If you want to consistently have a healthy lunch, now is your time to prep it.

If you're me and you need to create a reel about productivity for Instagram, this hour is your time to do the work.

Step 2: Commit to Learning & Problem Solving

A lot of us leave High School and University and think that the learning stops there. You got the certificate or the diploma and you're an adult, so you should know what you're doing with your career and with life. After all, everyone else seems to somehow know what they're doing.

Then, when an obstacle or problem arises and you don't immediately know the answer or the next move, you become self-conscious, embarrassed, or nervous. These feelings take up our energy and it becomes easier to procrastinate or choose an easier, less beneficial option.

For example, say you WANT to go to the gym 4x a week (a healthy and beneficial habit!) but you don't really have time. That's one problem. Other problems include not knowing what time to go, going means sacrificing time with your partner and kids, you don't know what to do when you get there etc., etc.

For this sprint, I want you to identify the problems and obstacles in your day with a learner's mindset.

All this involves is asking yourself, 'What is the problem? What are the things that are standing in the way of me doing X?'

Then spend time solving them by learning. Find experts in that field and watch their videos or listen to their podcasts. Chances are thousands of other people have that same issue. Listen to that info when you're doing the dishes, driving to work, or taking a walk. Spend your spare time learning. (If you spend the next 21 days learning about 1 thing you're trying to build consistency with, think about how much you'll know!)

ps. If it's to do with habits or productivity reply to this email and say 'Hey Olly! I'm having trouble doing X because of Y problem'. I'd love to help.

Step 3: Commit to 2 Morning Habits

You're someone who already knows what habits work for you, you're just having trouble making them automatic.

  • Make a list of all the morning habits you've tried and liked in the past.
  • Identify the 2 habits that you can do in 10 MINUTES, that will help you the most. What 2 habits, get you the most results? Those are the only habits you'll do, every morning for 21 days. Focus on making those habits automatic.
  • Pro tip: I tell my clients to have 1 habit for their mind and 1 habit for their body.

So there you have it, a 3-step, 21-day sprint to get your consistency on track. Here's how to copy it into your schedule:

  1. Wake up 1 hour earlier. (Aka, if you normally wake up at 9 am, schedule your alarm for 8 am.
  2. Do your 2-morning habits for the 1st 10 minutes.
  3. The next 50 minutes are for doing 1 thing you want to build consistency with. This can be a big goal or additional habits.
  4. Throughout the day, commit to learning. Doing the dishes? Cleaning the refrigerator? Put on a video or podcast related to learning about what you're struggling with.


Create an Implementation Intention.

This habit is from James Clear's book, 'Atomic Habits' and involves specifying the exact time and place where you will perform a task. For example, "I will respond to client emails at my standing desk, at 9:15 am." This helps to create a specific plan of action, making it easier to follow through on the task.

That's all for this week!

Have a great week and see you next Sunday!

Olly J

Before you go...

Here are 2 ways I can help you build your ideal day:

1) One-on-one coaching
I have a 12-week coaching program that is dedicated to helping people wake up energized, achieve more, and become the best versions of themselves. Learn more here.

2) Peak Habits - 14-Day FREE Habit Challenge
Learn 3 habits and receive daily accountability to jumpstart your productivity journey in just 14 days. Join the waitlist here.

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Hi! I'm Olly.

Every Sunday, I send out a short email with new habits to be more productive, focused, and energized. Join others in the PEAK community and get that email delivered straight to your inbox every Sunday morning for free.

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