
Hi! I'm Olly.

How to Make Mastering Consistency Simple

Published over 1 year ago • 4 min read

Happy Sunday! 

This week we're going to be talking all about consistency and how mastering it can be the difference between achieving your goals and not.

Put simply, if you were to say "Hey Olly! What's one thing I can do that will help me achieve (enter huge daunting goal here)?"... I would say complete 1-2 actions every single day that will move you closer to achieving that goal.

Get really consistent with those 1-2 things and work hard not to miss a day.

BUT that's much easier said than done:

  • Motivation is hard to keep up.
  • Falling off track is easy.
  • It's easy to convince yourself that missing 1 or 2 days is ok.
  • Our lives are increasingly busy! New obligations might come and upset all your consistency!

If you have experienced any of the above, you are not alone.

All of the above are things that have happened to me and I guarantee have happened to the majority of people out there.

Last year I decided that I wanted to get in the best shape of my life and in the summer of 2022, I was incredibly consistent about following a workout plan 3x per week and eating enough protein.

Those were the 2 habits that were going to get me closer to my big goal.

For 2 straight months, I followed this plan but when I moved houses in September and several new obligations came up, I very quickly fell off track.

I missed 1 workout and then 4 and then 10.

I felt my momentum and motivation fade away.

I realized that I had not prioritized the consistency aspect and I hadn't set myself up properly.

That was September. Now in January 2023, I've created a new method of mastering my consistency.

I've laid out the essentials below:

3 Simple Ways to Master Your Consistency:

Before you begin: As explained above, you need to have a main goal and 1-2 daily actions that will get you closer to that goal.

If your goal is to learn a new skill, sign up for a course and study for 1 hour every day.

If your goal is to feel more energetic, habit 1 could be to carry a water bottle around with you, and habit 2 could be to take a short daily walk.

Take some time to brainstorm and figure out your daily habits.

(If you want more personalized help deciding on habits that will get you closer to your goal, consider my 12-week coaching program.

Fill out this survey and I'll see if you will be a good fit.)

Easy Implementation:

The next steps are about taking your 1 to 2 daily habits and making them simpler, and more achievable.

After applying these 3 things, you'll be on track to being more consistent this week and feeling closer to your big goal.

Step 1: Ask yourself, what would make this easy?

Take your 1 or 2 habits and brainstorm what would make those actions EASY. Can you prepare ahead of time? Can you delegate tasks that are getting in the way to someone else? And most importantly, can you make your habit smaller?

Example: Can you turn 30 minutes of yoga into 15 or 10 minutes? Then if you happen to go over that smaller time you'll have an extra win and boost your momentum.

Step 2: Get yourself an accountability partner

I've written about this before and here I am writing about it again! Because it's so effective! If you have a friend or partner who you can do your habit with, you are more likely to keep each other accountable.

Tip: Create a bet with your friend about keeping consistent with your habits. If one of you misses a day, the other has to buy the other a coffee.

Step 3: Have an off-day alternative ready to go.

There are always always always going to be busier and more tiring days. It could be Christmas, you could be sick or your in-laws are staying for the week. This is where you need to have an off-day version of your habit. It's still the habit you started with, but it's an easier, minimized version for the tough days.

You still get to tick the box that you did it and you're still moving forward toward your goal. You just made a smaller move that day.

Example: Using our yoga example again, you could do 5 minutes of yoga in bed before you sleep instead of a whole 30 minutes. (If you haven't heard of yoga in bed, search it on Youtube after reading this newsletter)

That's all from me!

Have a great week and see you next Sunday!

Olly J

Before you go...

Here are 2 ways I can help you with your productivity journey:

1) One-on-one coaching
I have a 12-week coaching program that is dedicated to helping people wake up energized, achieve more and become the best versions of themselves. Learn more here.

2) Peak Habits - 14-Day FREE Habit Challenge
Learn 3 habits and receive daily accountability to jumpstart your productivity journey in just 14 days. Join the waitlist here.

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Hi! I'm Olly.

Every Sunday, I send out a short email with new habits to be more productive, focused, and energized. Join others in the PEAK community and get that email delivered straight to your inbox every Sunday morning for free.

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