
Hi! I'm Olly.

What to Drink Before Coffee

Published over 1 year ago • 4 min read

Happy Sunday! 

This week we're going to be talking all about the importance of hydrating.

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, resulting in diminished energy and focus.

This is why I want to share with you the morning drink I use, that is:

  • Easy-to-make
  • High in minerals
  • High in electrolytes

This week I want to challenge you to make this morning drink (or simply drink water from the tap) as soon as you wake up.

Here's Why:

If you’ve managed to get a good night's sleep (7 hours+), that means you have gone 7+ hours without drinking any water.

“There are studies on both men and women showing that even mild dehydration resulting from fluid loss equaling roughly 1 percent of your body weight can cause headaches, moodiness, irritability, anxiety, and fatigue.” — Aubrey Marcus (Own the Day, Own Your Life)

Despite our best intentions, these feelings of anxiety, fatigue, and irritability usually get in the way of whatever productivity we had planned for the morning or the day.

This used to be me.

I knew that hydration was a good thing but I didn't know how much it benefitted performance across the board.

I'd heard rumors from health gurus that you needed to drink X or Y amount of water daily.

This just overwhelmed me. So I never updated my hydration habit.

But here's what I wish I knew 2 years ago.

All you need to do to make sure you're hydrated daily:

  1. Drink water as soon as you wake up.
  2. Carry your water bottle with you and sip when you're thirsty.

PEAK- Hydration Water Recipe:

  • A pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt
  • 1/4 lemon, squeezed
  • 2.5g Creatine (totally optional)
  • Filtered water
  • Bonus: Try adding a splash of apple cider vinegar or 1/4 cup of coconut water for some added health benefits.

Benefits :


Pink Himalayan salt contains more than 80 minerals and elements including potassium, iron, and calcium. These minerals aid in the body’s natural detoxification process.


There are many advantages to starting your day with lemon water.

  • The high acidity content aids in digestion.
  • Lemons contain phytonutrients with powerful antioxidant properties, which protect your body against disease.
  • Great source of vitamin C, which is needed to protect us from cell damage and repair injury.

Creatine (Optional Add-In)

“Creatine is not only safe but also one of the world’s most popular and effective supplements for building muscle and strength.” — Healthline

Health expert Ben Greenfield goes into some of the incredible benefits of creatine here.

Some of the benefits he discusses are as follows;

Easy Implementation:

  • Make your lemon juice last longer. When I get home from the supermarket with a bag of fresh lemons, I like to juice them and get the juice into an ice tray right away. This means that every morning I can just pop my lemon juice cube right into my morning drink and my lemons don’t go bad!
  • Set everything up before you go to bed. Part of my evening routine each night is setting up everything I’ll need for the next morning. For my morning drink, I fill up my water filter and set out my water bottle, creatine, and salt all ready to go. This means it’s the first thing I see and I am way less likely to forget to drink it.
  • Make this the first thing you do when you wake up. You don’t need to drink all of it but at least get 5 or 6 gulps down. Attach the habit to something you already automatically do, like making coffee or showering to help you remember.
  • Keep things interesting. Avoid getting bored with this drink and switch it up by occasionally adding coconut water or apple cider vinegar.

That's all from me!

Have a great week and see you next Sunday!

Olly J

Before you go...

Here are 2 ways I can help you with your productivity journey:

1) One-on-one coaching
I have a 12-week coaching program that is dedicated to helping people wake up energized, achieve more and become the best versions of themselves. Learn more here.

2) Peak Habits - 14-Day FREE Habit Challenge
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